
Question Of The Day: How Far Can You Go?


Hello Fam!
My co-worker called my attention to a video of Bobrisky on Instagram where he/she was showing his/her butt to prove that the butt ain’t fake!
I was like……… What a way to seek attention?

Some people feed on attention, it’s like a daily meal to some people, but not to people like me.
I’m too shy to seek attention, seeking attention has never worked for me. But my doctor has recommended attention seeking to me😉
According to him, “a dose of attention seeking is good for mankind and especially for the body”.
Obviously seeking attention pay some people’s bills. I’m asking for myself, in a subtle way, I need to seek attention of some personalities, its kinda urgent . I can’t mention names now.
 I now have to learn a few tips about seeking attention, at least to take out a bit of my being a shy person and based on doctor’s prescriptions.
Please help a sister in need, before it leads to emergency……

Who shyness epp?
People of God I need tips on seeking attention, “without going naked or half- naked”.
That’s going extreme, I don’t need that, I just need a starter pack please.
I’ll be reading the comments with my notepad

Thanks Fam

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