We were made for large lives with expansive purpose,
incredible depth and significant creativity
But most of us live small most of our lives
We are boxed in because,we feel safer in a box
than in the wild world of FAITH and dependence
Radical is what we call that rare kind of life.
But meaningful and purposeful is what it really is
Not everyone is built for or called to the extreme craziness of foreign cultures or distance shores.
But, none of us are designed or suited for littleness of lives crammed into the framework of this temporary world’s value
When we live in….
- Compromise; smaller purpose
- Busyness: smaller meaning
- Materialism: smaller goal
- Hedonism: smaller passion
- Routine: smaller vision
…..we are living too small for our spirit.
The big, bold life we are designed and destined for is dangerous, risky and intense…….
but there is one thing it is not……small