Hallo friends,I have a little challenge for you guys. Try to process two thought at one time. I can guarantee that you can’t. God made us so we can only think on one thing at a time. If we are thinking on what is...
Positive thinking is powerful! Optimist fare better than pessimist in almost every aspect of life. Optimist people, people who look at the bright side of things, are less susceptible to depression and physical illness.“There’s evidence that optimism bolster the immune system” Prof. Matin E....
Everybody is somebody to someone. You are first someone’s darling baby, then their cute toddler,their cuddly boy or girl, their terrific teenager, their gorgeous girlfriend or bonny boyfriend,their beautiful wife of handsome hubby. But who are you really. Some of us are so caught...
O God, because without You we are not able to please YouMercifully grant that your Holy Spirit may in all things, direct and rule our heartThrough Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with YouAnd the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever...
Bring back our girlsEliminate ebola virus in AfricaArrest Boko haram and their sponsorsPeace in our land, especially in the north-east NigeriaPower to be stable in NaigeriaPeace in Gaza/IsraelPeace in UkrainePeace all around the worldInspiration to keep bloggingGrace to be happy and joyful alwaysGod bless...
God can never be stranded, He always have alternative plansIf one plan fails, He has plan B,C,D,E……….Nobody can successfully frustrate GodIf God gives you an opportunity, it’s not because He has no one else to do itIts because He just want to honour you...
That moment when the reality dawn on me that I’m actually MOTHERLESSThat moment when I remember an ex birthday, cos its a day before MUM’S birthday and my MUM is no moreThat moment when i come back from work, entered the kitchen and all...
God is a good and a wonderful God, but He is not a democrat. Democracy has its benefits but in God’s kingdom, it has several limitations, hence God adopts a “Theocratic” style of government.In the bible God admonish us all to obey His commands...
It seems the world opposes, or even fears anything that is different from the norm. When people are different or they try to do something different, they must be ready for opposition.Many people who have done great things in life were willing to stand...
I didn’t write this. I wish i did. It’s credited to lots of different people, most frequently someone named Rev. Safire Rose. Whoever wrote it, it’s breathtaking beautiful….so i decided to share it with you guys. Without a thought or word, she let go.She...