Criticism is never fun, no matter where its coming from, it hurts.
I was reading Gabourey Sidibe’s speech at an award and I can’t help but note how criticism has made this lady. She was criticized about her weight and look, but she looked passed it and believed that she was smarter than her peers and siblings, and this has made her today a very confident person.
It’s a very long speech, but I extracted a bit of it…….lol
“If I hadn’t been told I was a garbage, I wouldn’t have learned how to show people I’m talented.
And if everyone had always laughed at my jokes, I wouldn’t have figured out how to be so funny.
If they hadn’t told me I was ugly, I never would have searched for my beauty. And if they hadn’t
tried to break me down, I wouldn’t have known that I’m unbreakable. So when you ask me how
I’m confident, I know what you’re really asking me, how could someone like me be confident”
(Speech from Ms Foundation Gala)
I will say here that it is our strength and ability to rise above criticism, to shun already limiting standards, to look within ourselves for that inner strength nobody ever believed was there, to work towards our goal regardless of what is being said, that makes us, our dreams, our vision and our stories at the end of it all inspiring.
Picture credit: dailyvenusdiva