Christian Living

I Love Success Stories


Behind every success story is an embarrassing first effort, a stumble, a setback or a radical change of direction.
Stories of success often start where one tells you how hard they had to work, how they sacrificed certain things,how they sweated,how they survived the tough times and many other such scenarios.
Long before iPhone made him the god of gadget, Steve Jobs launched his tech career by hacking land lines to make free long-distance calls.
Success is less a matter of innate talent and more thee product of perseverance, a willingness to stumble and stand up again and again.
Failure on the other hand, is a part of human nature, some might say we learn from our mistakes. I strongly agree with the idea of having to look at other people’s life, in this case the successful and the famous ones. But, we cannot deny we also can look back at one time we fail at something and we could actually overcome the situation. I think that’s how it really works, being concerned about how overcome certain situations can make us more conscious that we learn from past experience on the whole.
God rewards in His time. As long as you are working as hard as you can smartly, you are doing your best.
The sky is just the stepping stone

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