Christian Living

Kindness As A Lifestyle


While at work today, my mind flashed back and I remembered the story someone told me a long while ago about “The Act Of Kindness”, the little good deeds we do every now and then for friends, co-worker, or even sometimes to the ones we considered haters.

This is the story of a very religious fellow (not so much a sprikoko), who donate generously to his religious organisation ,give generously to his parent, his wife and children never lack any good thing, both friends and family can also testify to his generosity.
But he has the habit of treating his domestic staff as a piece of useless log of wood.

Everybody around him has something nice to say about his generosity, except his domestic staff.
I was even told that he bully his domestic staff if the opportunity present itself. And he doesn’t hide the fact that his domestic mean little or nothing to him.

At this point I had to pause to ask, “Is it that this person has had a very bad experience with domestic staff as a child or as an adult at a point in his life? Because I know that some people have had a terrible experience with domestic staff, and some people are blessed with the ability to “carry over” grudges. Probably he has a tail of woe to say about some experiences with domestic staff, but according to the story teller, there is NO such experience.

He also stated that this man has always been blessed with wonderful and lovely domestic staff, he said the guy just does not see or understand the worth of domestic staff, so he tend to talk them down and treat them as people of no reasonable value.

I became confused at a point, is it possible for someone to be this kind and generous to friends and family, but he has no element of kindness to a particular set of people.
Is it that he chooses those that benefits from his generosity?

I can only say, some people are blessed to be a blessing to the needy, some are blessed to be a blessing to the hurt and depressed, some are blessed to be a blessing to the rich, and some are blessed to be the reason for some people’s woe.

Well, some may be of the opinion that, one should pick out the right set of people to show kindness to.Good. In all this what I don’t understand is…..”if you don’t want to be kind to a particular set of people, why run them down at any give opportunity?

Picture credit: pocket perspective

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