Christian Living

Miserable People Palava


Based on my personal survey. I have come to realize that in this life, there are basically two major factor that play the most important role in determining how happy or miserable anybody will ever be.

The first is the job they do.
If your job is lousy and you have to deal with lousy colleagues or attend to unhappy customers, you will live a miserable life most of the time. The matter becomes worse if you have a terrible boss and your take home pay is peanut and he/she has bad mouth. That is like living in hell.
The second factor is the person you are married to. You spend most of your time with your spouse, and if he/she is on a mission to make your life miserable . It will be so easy to be miserable in all other aspect of one’s life.
I would say being in a miserable marriage is a terrible thing to wish even an enemy. Studies have shown that being in “Love” actually makes your lover seem more attractive, intelligent and desirable than they are actually are.
But, today I’m not gonna dwell so much on the topic of  a good person married to a miserable spouse, who’s singular mission is make a good person miserable.
I’m not heading to that direction today, my focus today is working in a miserable atmosphere.

It is a toxic environment when a colleague or boss is miserable and he/she is hell bent on transferring his/her miseries to everyone else.
Miserable people are the most cruel people anyone can associate with, you can spot them when:
A boss or colleague is never thankful for anything,
A boss or colleague love to always pick fight or quarrel over unnecessary issues,
A boss or colleague blame others and play the victim,
A boss or colleague does everything to be involved in other people’s drama,
A boss or colleague is envious of other people’s success,
A boss or colleague believe those who are happy must be ignorant , yet are still jealous they can’t be as happy themselves.

I once had a miserable colleague and my survival skill was to ignore. Every time  she’s high on her miserable drug, I just ignore and plug my music to my ear. It worked for me though, while some people said I was just being a coward or stupid.
 Anyway, my skills worked, I gave enough space and I respect myself cos I suspect she might be aggressive  if need be and I know that I’m not gifted in that department.
But I don’t suggest everyone tries out my survival skill, cos some people cannot be ignored, some situations might need “instant back to the sender survival skill”. Let’s just say my own situation then required my method of solution.
I would say the best method of survival is “quit and move to a better atmosphere”, but in today’s cut throat economy, is it best to just pick up and leave or just quit?
Please seek other jobs before you quit, cos as the sayings goes, it is much easier to find a job when you already have one.
To cope while you’re seeking a way out, try to study the miserable person’s weakness, understand what irritates him/her and find your way around it. Though this is not gonna be easy but it’ll definitely work.
You can also try going to the superior and request to be moved to another department, if possible.
Also make sure to always mind your business.
In the meantime, envision a happier, less stressful future and keep things perspective, so you don’t suffer stress when you eventually get a better job.
Remember, there is more to life than just work.
The future is always bright when you smile

Photo credit: Google image

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