It seems the world opposes, or even fears anything that is different from the norm. When people are different or they try to do something different, they must be ready for opposition.
Many people who have done great things in life were willing to stand alone and that is not possible without confidence.
In the bible, Timothy, Paul’s “spiritual” son in the ministry was very young and he was fearful and worried about what people thought of his youth. Paul told him to let no man despise his youth (1 Timothy 4:12). It really does not matter how old or young a person is. If God calls someone to do something and they have the confidence to go forward, nothing can stop them.
The Lord is saying to you now,”Don’t ever make a decision based on your age”, try out new things don’t let your age hold you back. Age is not a deciding factor and it will never be. Moses was eighty years old when he left Egypt to lead the Israelite to the promise land. At the age of eighty-five, Caleb asked for a mountain to be his property inheritance (Joshua 14:10,12).
How a person respond to your age and, for that matter how others respond is really up to you. Of course we all age in years but we don’t have to get an “I’m too old” mind-set. Adlai Stevenson said “it is not the years in your life, but the life in your years that counts”.
Confident people don’t think about how old they are, they think about what they can accomplish with the time they have left.
What’s Wrong With Being Different?
Sep 05, 2013
Wow……there's absolutely nothing wrong with bin different